It is said that in the 7th century (Nara piriod)Shoutoku Taishi built this temple for his teachers ,who came from Korai(the ancient name for Korea). It is also said that Ryogen (912- 985),Eshin Sozu Genshin (942-1017), and Echin(1287-1356) practiced asceticism and prayed to Amida-Buddha.
In 1486, Shinsei (1443-1495)came to this temple and reconstructed some halls. Saikyo-ji became a center of the invocation and the precepts of our religion.
In 1571, general Oda Nobunaga(1534-1582) burned temples out all over Hiei-zan , and this temple also had disappeared. But a temporary hall was rebuilt the following year under the patronage of Akechi Mitsuhide(1526-1582),who later killed Oda Nobunaga .